Upgrade Concrete and Brick Structures
The fire resistance of a reinforced concrete structure depends, to a large extent, on: a) The overall thickness of the section (in order to keep heat transfer through the member within acceptable limits), b) The average concrete cover to the reinforcement (in order to keep the temperature of the reinforcement below critical values).
The tendency of concrete to spall, or break up, in a fire can lead to loss of the insulating cover to the steel and reduction in overall thickness of the member. In some constructions, supplementary reinforcement is necessary to reduce
these effects. The overall thickness and cover is determined by the properties of the aggregate used. For example, lightweight aggregate formed from expanded pulverised fly ash has low thermal conductivity and expansion, and is, to some degree, more resistant to spalling.
Promat concrete upgrading systems have been tested in a series of fire resistance tests of concrete floors and walls lined with PROMATECT® -H board, Cafco 300® and Cafco FENDOLITE® MII Spray.