
Fire Stopping


  • Stainless steel moulds
  • Tested to AS 1530.4 for 60 minutes
  • Unique approval
Product Applications

1 Application Type

Fire rated pipe support system that meets the Australian Standard

Where pipework is likely to be exposed to fire in an area within a building that is not protected by sprinklers, then the pipe supports shall have an FRL not less than 60/-/-.  The pipe-support’s are required to have a temperature of not less than 500°C when tested in accordance with AS1530.4.  PROTECT-A-PIPE uses stainless steel moulds back filled with Promat’s CAFCO® 300 vermiculite spray. CAFCO® 300 is mixed for a period of 3 minutes in a bucket and then installed within the PROTECT-A-PIPE moulds.

The range of PROTECT-A-PIPE products are designed for two main types of pipe supports- pear band and yoke clamp. There are 20 variations of the product which allow for either 100mm or 150mm pipes. These variations also allow for varying lengths of drop rods which are suspending the pipe system.

PROTECT-A-PIPE can also be customised for specific projects, making use of the current approvals and incorporating the same design criteria. The system can also be used to fire rate pipe supports for various mechanical applications within buildings.
Progressive Materials keep the product range in stock locally and are able to provide full technical support for the range of PROTECT-A-PIPE products.


  • PROTECT-A-PIPE Technical Manual


  • A4 Overview


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Product Applications

1 Application Type