
About Suspended Ceilings

SAS International has a wide range of suspended metal ceilings which can cater for all types of projects.

The suspended metal ceilings have a range of tile options including clip-in, lay-in and hook-on perforated panels. The panels can be supplied in different sizes, with the two most common sizes in Australia being 600 x 1200 and 600 x 600 mm.

Metal ceilings by SAS International can provide an NRC acoustic rating of up to 1.0- the highest rating achievable. It is a common misconception that metal ceilings are a poor sound absorbing material. In fact through the correct specification and system setup, the acoustic rating achievable is better than standard mineral fiber ceiling panels.

SAS 310

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Metal Ceilings June 25, 2022

MinRes HQ

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Metal Ceilings February 24, 2022


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Metal Ceilings December 22, 2019

Beds N Dreams Beckenham


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